Order ID: CLIE-20171207-9429 "Pending"

Thank you so much for placing an order with us here at Clie Furniture!

We will send out a confirmation email of your order as soon as your payment is confirmed.

Shipping notification of your order will be emailed to you within the next working day.

Pay With Bank Transfer

bca # 2147483647 - test nama bank
bii # 928374837 - test nama

Shipping address

deory pandu putra

Jl Martorejo No 113
Kota Surabaya
Jawa Timur

Mobile phone : 085646765265

Payment address

deory pandu putra

Jl Martorejo No 113
Kota Surabaya
Jawa Timur, 65323

Mobile phone : 085646765265

Qty Item(s):

1 Item(s)

Delivery Package:


Delivery Price:

IDR 10,000

List Product

Item Project Name Quantity Total
PR 31711 1 Item(s) IDR 3,229,100.-

Total: IDR 3,229,100

Biaya Pengiriman: IDR 10,000

Total Payment: IDR 3,239,100

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